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Improving the Lives of Shelter Dogs One Magic Carpet at a Time

An image of My Magic Carpet Co-Founder Monica Dallyn holing up a washable rug, two puppies playing in an enclosure on a washable rug and the headline, Improving the Lives of Shelter Dogs One Magic Carpet at a Time.

Lori Serra |

As we say goodbye to the 2022 holiday season, the My Magic Carpet washable rug team looks forward to creating memories as we build success through our family-friendly washable rugs and discover new ways to serve our customers and community in 2023.

Monica Dallyn the co-founder of My Magic Carpet machine washable rugs, holds the Leilani Damask Ivory washable rug at the South Los Angeles Animal Shelter

Recently, our co-founder, Monica Dallyn, organized a fantastic event at a local Los Angeles animal shelter. Team Monica's Inner Circle dropped by the shelter and donated 100 rugs for the animal cubbies to help provide comfort and warmth to lovable pets awaiting their forever homes over the holidays. Monica holds the South Los Angeles Animal Shelter close to her heart, as something extraordinary happened there.

Adopting a Pet from an Animal Shelter

Two puppies at the South Los Angeles Animal Shelter playing on a My Magic Carpet washable rug.


In 2014, Monica and her now husband, Josh, adopted a dog from the South Los Angeles Animal Shelter. Here's the heartwarming story of how they came to find their beloved pet:

Monica and Josh, who lived in their first home with Monica's 6-year-old Chihuahua mix, Bella, knew they needed to find a friend for Bella after the move. Monica began searching online for a younger dog, not a puppy, of a larger breed to join their growing family.

After a few days of searching, Monica came across Rhino, a Pitbull/Bull Mastiff, at the South Los Angeles Animal Shelter. Rhino was a one-year-old, potty-trained dog who had been at the shelter for a month due to the unfortunate passing of his previous owner. Knowing that large breed dogs like Rhino are at high risk in shelters, Monica called the shelter to schedule a time to meet him.

Meeting Garvey at the Animal Shelter 

A sign for the South Los Angeles Animal Shelter


The animal shelter was kind enough to create a friendly play area outside for Monica to spend quality time with Rhino. Within just 10 minutes, Monica knew the Pitty Mastiff would be Bella's perfect partner in crime, and Josh would instantly love him. Monica decided to adopt Rhino on the spot.

There was just one tiny detail - in her excitement about meeting her potential new family member, Monica brought Bella's all-too-small crate to take Rhino home. The shelter was again kind enough to help Monica get Rhino into the car and on the way to his forever home.

When they arrived home, Monica and Josh decided it was time to give Rhino a fresh start with a new name. Being big Dodger fans, they chose the name Garvey after the legendary first baseman, Steve Garvey. From day one, Garvey fit in well with the family and has been a fantastic pet and companion for their two small children.

Giving Back to the Community 

Monica Dallyn the co-founder of My Magic Carpet machine washable rugs placing a rug in an animals cubbie at the South Los Angeles Animal Shelter.

Through the vision of My Magic Carpet's Co-Founder Monica, Team Monica's Inner Circle will continue to lean into the company's core values through volunteering and donations, such as the recent donation of 100 rugs to the South Los Angeles Animal Shelter. We believe that adopting pets can be a rewarding and enriching experience for both the pet and the adoptive family. 

Through our expanding involvement with the community, we're committed to supporting animal shelters and other non-profits in their important work.

Outline of a heart made of paw prints.

If you're interested in adopting a pet, please visit the South Los Angeles Animal Shelter, or your local animal shelter. Remember- ADOPT, DON'T SHOP!


If you've you recently adopted a pet, email Support@buymymagiccarpet.com to receive a discount on a new My Magic Carpet washable rug.