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All the Ways We Can Celebrate the Day of Love

Roses laying on a My Magic Carpet washable shag rug and All the Ways We can Celebrate The Day of Love overlayed on hard wood floors.

Lori Serra |

How are you going to spend Valentine's Day this year? Generally associated with lovers, people worldwide celebrate Valentine's Day in different ways. Bulgaria celebrates with San Trifan Zartan, or the Day of winemakers for all. In Denmark, people celebrate by exchanging handmade cards with pressed flowers called snowdrops. And in Estonia, the day known as Sobrapaev isn't just for couples; it's a celebration of friendship. Friends and families attend festivals and exchange presents in a display of love. 

The feast day of St. Valentine reveres the actions of a priest who traveled the countryside marrying lovers secretly despite the Roman Emperor Claudius II's law to banish all marriages to keep men single and primed for war. Rumor has it St. Valentine was executed for his defiance around February 14th, around 270 AD. But no one can hold love down.

At My Magic Carpet, we embrace love in all its forms. This year we're taking cues from the global community and finding fun things we can all do to express love for the important people and pets in our lives. Not all love is romantic love.

Parents and Kids

Mom and kids sitting on the kitchen floor in front of an oven on the My Magic Carpet Cove Green washable runner rug.

Parents, we understand you! We know how busy you are, not just 9-5, but every day and all the time! Just for Valentine's Day, take today off from everything, including anything that resembles work.

Spend quality time with the kids. Have them bake cookies, sit on the floor in front of the oven to watch them bake, and leave the mess for a day or two. Make hot chocolate and sit cozy under a bunch of blankets binge, watching movies together. Seek out your inner child and do arts and crafts that you loved doing as a child. You'll appreciate the time relaxing time with your kids, and they'll love seeing you act like a child!

For that special someone, there's more to this day than flowers, chocolate, and fancy jewelry.

A Loving Couple

A couple playing guitar with a dog sitting on the My Magic Lattice Geometric Neutral 2.5' x 7' washable rug.

You love your partner and want to make February 14th of every year grandiose. Big gestures are fun; we admit it, but breaking the mold can also be memorable.

If you surprised your sweetie with a fancy dinner out last year, do, get, or try something different this year. Attend a local pottery class and see what you can create together. Take in a museum if this is something that you still need to do. Or if you both enjoy food, hang out in the kitchen with a nice wine and cook something unique. The point is to get out of your comfort zone.

Want to include your pet in the festivities? So do we!

Parents and Furbabies 

A lady with her dog sitting on the My Magic Carpet Sasha Floral Cream Blue washable rug.

Our furbabies invade our hearts, in a good way, the moment they enter our lives. Our desire to include them in everything we do is natural. And although your dog or cat may not grasp Valentine's Day, they will enjoy the love you impart through inclusion.

February is not a warm month in most parts of the country, so unless your game, taking your pet for an extra-long walk may not be ideal for either of you. One word...treats! Giving your pet a treat you wouldn't usually give them is one way, but adding bonding time, like a nap on the couch or inside play time, like hiding toys around the house for them to find, will add to the excitement.

Carving out time to spend with friends will make your heart sing.

Circle of Friends

A group of friends sitting on the My Magic Carpet Vienna Abstract washable rug.

Work and families take up most of our precious time, whether we're single or attached. Fitting friends into our schedules takes work. Even if that means setting an afternoon or evening aside for them during the week of Valentine's Day, the effort won't go unnoticed. Friends are the glue of our lives in good and bad times.

Catch up over lunch, or invite them over for coffee and homemade desserts. The time you set aside for someone shows love in ways you can't begin to imagine.

We hope you enjoy this Valentine's Day on a My Magic Carpet washable rug with the people and pets you love!